Mapping Variants from Multiplex Assays of Variant Effect to Human Reference Sequences
Cancer Genomics Consortium via YouTube
Learn about mapping variants from multiplex assays of variant effect (MAVEs) to human reference sequences in this 11-minute conference talk presented by Jeremy Arbesfeld at the Cancer Genomics Consortium 2023 Annual Meeting. Gain insights into the latest developments in clinical cancer genomics and understand how accurate variant mapping contributes to precise cancer diagnosis and personalized treatment strategies. Explore the importance of MAVEs in identifying genomic alterations and their potential impact on patient care. Discover the Cancer Genomics Consortium's role in promoting best practices and education in clinical cancer genomic testing, supporting their vision of accurate diagnosis for all cancer patients to receive the most appropriate therapy.
Mapping variants from multiplex assays of variant effect (MAVEs) to human reference sequences
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Cancer Genomics Consortium