Explore the challenges and responsibilities of surgical decision-making in this 15-minute TEDxBielBienne talk by Prof. Dr. Daniel F. Kalbermatten. Gain insights into the courage required to make tough choices in high-pressure operating room situations and their impact on patients and families. Learn from personal anecdotes and experiences shared by a renowned plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgeon with over 200 scientific papers and multiple international awards. Discover the values guiding critical medical decisions and how to develop personal courage in professional and everyday life. Delve into advanced surgical techniques, including bone defect reconstruction, free toe microsurgery, and nerve regeneration, as well as cutting-edge translational research on fibrin conduits and adipose stem cell applications for enhanced regeneration and free flap innervation.
Bone defect clavicle rapid prototyping
Free toe reconstructive microsurgery
These reconstructions need innervation and nerve regeneration
Translational research fibrin conduit
How can we enhance regeneration? Cell transplantation
Use of cells adipose stem cells (ASC)
Regenerative applications for free flap innervation
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