What is CERN?
Manipulating collections before Java 8
Manipulating data with streams
Threads (JDK 1) Invocation of a thread results in a new path of execution Thread API is still great for simple asynchronous tasks and background processing
Executor Service (JDK 5) Java 5 introduced several new APIs that simplify design and development of multi-thread applications
Parallel Streams (JDK 8) The Stream library enables you to execute operations in parallel without much effort Under the hood it employs the forkjoin framework and the Spliterator
Fork/Join Framework (JDK7) Fork
F/J Framework and Parallel Streams
Custom F/J Pool for a Parallel Stream(s)?
Decomposing LinkedList and ArrayList Always take into account how well the stream source decomposes
Decomposing various stream sources
Decomposability and Auto(un)boxing
findAny () and unordered ()
sequential() and parallel()
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