Lung Ultrasound: Normal vs Pleural Effusion Image Appearances - Thoracic Spine, Quad and Sinusoid Signs
Dr. Sam's Imaging Library via YouTube
Explore the key ultrasound appearances of normal lung and pleural effusion in this informative 10-minute video. Learn to identify and differentiate between crucial signs, including the Thoracic Spine, Quad, and Sinusoid signs. Delve into the characteristics of pleural effusion, such as the dark anechoic or hypoechoic area between the lung and chest wall, and the presence of echoes in the pleural cavity. Understand how fluid can appear echogenic or heterogeneous, indicating various conditions. Discover the continuous appearance of the thoracic spine above the diaphragm in the Thoracic Spine sign, and examine the quadrangular shape created by pleural fluid in the Quad sign. Finally, observe the wavy motion of the visceral pleura on M-mode in the Sinusoid sign. Enhance your lung ultrasound interpretation skills with this comprehensive overview of normal and abnormal findings.
Pleural Effusion -
Thoracic Spine Sign -
Quad Sign -
Sinusoid Sign -
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Dr. Sam's Imaging Library