Lookup Manager Names in Column Headers to Create Report - Excel Magic Trick 1866
ExcelIsFun via YouTube
1 Introduction
2 Worksheet function to create column of employee names from a table using TOCOL and UNIQUE functions.
3 Worksheet function to lookup manager names and join with a comma between each name using the IF and TEXTJOIN functions.
4 Links to buy new excelisfun Mike Girvin M Code book
5 Power Query Solution. Keyboard to import Excel Table into Power Query Editor
6 UnPivot to create a proper data table
7 Group By to gather manager names into a table.
8 Why to remove spaces from identifier names
9 Edit Table.Group Function to extract a column from a table as a list using the Field Access Operator.
10 What does M Code syntax Underscore mean?
11 Text.Combine function
12 Look at let expression
13 Summary
14 Closing and video links
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