Explore the power of humor in everyday life through this 17-minute TEDxIISERTVM talk by Khyrunnisa A., renowned author of the Butterfinger series. Discover how to find laughter even in challenging situations as the speaker shares insights from her prolific writing career. Learn about Khyrunnisa's other popular works, including "The Lizard of Oz and Other Stories," "Baby and Dubdub," and adult humor books like "Tongue in Cheek: The Funny Side of Life." Gain inspiration from her experiences as a former English professor and columnist for major newspapers, and understand how her writing captures the delightful humor of daily life. Embrace the art of seeing the world through comedic glasses and enrich your perspective on life's lively experiences.
Looking through Comedic Glasses | Khyrunissa A | TEDxIISERTVM
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