Learn essential mastering techniques in Logic Pro 11 through a detailed video tutorial that explores the powerful Mastering Assistant feature and professional loudness metering. Master the fundamentals of stereo output headroom management, discover how to enhance stereo width using correlation meters, and understand LUFS (Loudness Units Full Scale) and industry mastering standards. Dive into practical demonstrations of the mastering process using Mastering Assistant, including character selection, automated and custom EQ adjustments, stereo spread control, mono compatibility checking, and dynamics processing. Gain hands-on experience with loudness compensation techniques and compare different character settings to achieve professional-quality masters. Follow along with a real-world example using the song "Running Out of Time" to apply these mastering concepts in practice.
Sponsor Segment
Stereo Out Headroom
Mastering Assistant
Auto EQ
Custom EQ
Spread & Correlation
Mono Compatibility
Dynamics & Excite
LUFS & Loudness
Set Loudness
Loudness Compensation
Character Comparison
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