Localization vs. Semantics: Visual Representations in Unimodal and Multimodal Models
Center for Language & Speech Processing(CLSP), JHU via YouTube
Explore the comparative analysis of visual representations in vision-and-language models versus vision-only models in this 10-minute conference talk from EACL 2024. Delve into the research conducted by Zhuowan Li from the Center for Language & Speech Processing at JHU, which probes a wide range of tasks to assess the quality of learned representations. Discover intriguing findings that suggest vision-and-language models excel in label prediction tasks like object and attribute prediction, while vision-only models demonstrate superior performance in dense prediction tasks requiring more localized information. Gain insights into the role of language in visual learning and obtain an empirical guide for various pretrained models, contributing to the ongoing discussion about the effectiveness of joint learning paradigms in understanding individual modalities.
Localization vs. Semantics: Visual Representations in Unimodal and Multimodal Models - EACL 2024
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Center for Language & Speech Processing(CLSP), JHU