Sail-Operator: Making Seamless Istio Upgrades Easy
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube
Learn about the sail-operator project in this 10-minute lightning talk that demonstrates how to simplify Istio control plane upgrades in Kubernetes environments. Explore how this community-first Istio operator addresses the challenges of manual blue-green deployments while maintaining stability in service mesh implementations. Through a live demonstration, discover two supported upgrade strategies - InPlace and RevisionBased - and understand how they can be effectively implemented across both small clusters and large-scale deployments. Master the techniques for making Istio upgrades more manageable and less risky while leveraging traffic management features for safer application deployments.
Lightning Talk: Sail-Operator: Making Seamless Istio Upgrad... Francisco Herrera Lira & Daniel Grimm
Taught by
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]