On-Premise and SaaS CI/CD Large-Scale Production Automation with Argo Services
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube
Learn about extending CI pipeline capabilities through Argo Workflows in a cloud-native environment during this lightning talk from Splunk's engineering team. Discover how to implement a large-scale asynchronous event-based bus communication system that enhances CI pipeline speed and resilience. Explore continuous delivery improvements using ArgoCD and Argo Rollouts, including infrastructure management through GitOps. Examine a comprehensive solution that combines open-source projects with internal tools to create a complete cloud-native orchestration and GitOps experience for development, QA, and performance teams. Master techniques for extending GitLab CI/CD capabilities to orchestrate, build, and manage service interdependencies, system integrations, and metrics-based service rollouts across multi-region cloud architectures.
Lightning Talk: On-Premise and SaaS CI/CD Large-Scale Production Automation with Arg... Edgar Magana
Taught by
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]