Explore Z80 assembly programming with a focus on interrupt handling in this comprehensive 37-minute video lesson. Dive into the "Template Interrupt Handler" that supports both Interrupt Mode 1 and 2, offers register protection options, and demonstrates safe stack manipulation techniques without disabling interrupts. Learn about returning to BASIC, implementing safety locks, and platform-specific code considerations. Examine shadow stack usage, including examples, corruption risks, and restrictions. Understand when to disable interrupts and scenarios where interrupts cannot occur. Follow along with sample code, practical examples, and testing procedures. Access accompanying text lessons and source code from the provided website link for a complete multiplatform learning experience in Z80 assembly programming.
Sample Code
Interrupt Handler
Interrupt Mode 2
Returning to Basic
Additional Options
Interrupt Handler Code
Safety Lock Command
Stack Misuse
ReadWrite Data
Platformspecific code
Shadow stack example
Shadow stack corruption
Shadow stack restrictions
Shadow corruption
Disabling interrupts
When interrupts cannot occur
Final Thoughts
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