Discover the SOLID principles of object-oriented design through practical CLEAN CODE examples in this 29-minute video tutorial. Gain a comprehensive understanding of these fundamental concepts introduced by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) to write cleaner, more maintainable code. Explore each principle in-depth, including Single Responsibility, Open-Closed, Liskov Substitution, and Interface Segregation. Learn how to avoid common pitfalls such as code smells, refactoring issues, and spaghetti code. Follow along with the provided code setup and examples to reinforce your understanding of these essential software development practices.
- Intro.
- Code Setup.
- Single Responsibility.
- Open Closed.
- Liskov Substitution.
- Interface Segregation.
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1.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
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Very little mastery of the subject. The course is too poor, the examples have nothing to do with what is done in real projects and there is absolutely nothing about the theory and the architectural implications of these principles.