Discover how to engage students with "Pixar in a Box," an innovative collaboration between Khan Academy and Pixar Animation Studios. Learn from an experienced Khan Academy teacher about implementing this curriculum that spans math, science, and humanities. Explore techniques to spark curiosity and excitement in learning, even during challenging times. Gain insights on animating bouncing balls, building robot swarms, and creating virtual fireworks. Understand the program's structure, duration, and integration with Google Classroom. Get tips on using narrative to enhance student engagement and access resources like the Educators Guide and student examples. Find out how this free, world-class educational content can transform your teaching approach and inspire your students.
What are you learning
Why Pixar in a Box
How to Get Students Excited
How to Use Narrative
When to use it
How long does it take
What are the sections
How long is it
Google Classroom
Educators Guide
Student Examples
Khan Academy
Final Thoughts
Taught by
Khan Academy