Gain insights into the academic publishing process through this panel discussion featuring faculty members and journal editors. Learn strategies for selecting publication topics and timing, identifying suitable journals for submissions, and navigating reviewer feedback. Explore the nuances of book reviews, graduate student publishing opportunities, and coauthoring. Discover tips for crafting compelling interventions, presenting ideas cogently, and determining the optimal time to submit your work. Benefit from expert advice on utilizing graduate writing resources, understanding departmental roles, and maximizing your publishing potential in the academic world.
Upcoming Events
The Writing Program
Journal of Modern History
American Journal of Sociology
What to Publish
When to Publish
The Publication Process
Book Reviews
Graduate Student Book Reviews
Finding the Right Journal
Middle rung journals
Reviewing everything
Choosing a journal
Finding an Alternative Mind
Writing an Intervention
Presenting in a cogent form
When to send it out
In an ideal world
Graduate writing resources
Room reviews
My role in my department
Bell Labs
Taught by
UChicago Social Sciences