Explore the power of lazy layouts in Jetpack Compose for Android development in this 25-minute video. Discover how to create efficient scrolling lists with less code compared to RecyclerView. Learn about on-demand content addition, the use of Lazy composables, and their inner workings. Gain optimization tips for improved performance, including the importance of unique keys, avoiding nested scrolling, and steering clear of 0-pixel sized items. Delve into exciting new features like lazy grids and item animations. Access additional resources on Jetpack Compose layouts, codelabs, and performance optimization. Presented by Andrey Kulikov, Simona Stojanovic, and Mihai Popa, this comprehensive guide covers topics such as Lazy Lists, Lazy Grids, Lazy Layout usage, useful tips, handling multiple elements in one item, and custom arrangements.
Lazy Lists
Lazy Grids
Lazy Layout
Useful Tips
Multiple Elements in One Item
Custom Arrangements
Taught by
Android Developers