Micro Grid with 100% Renewable Energy in Small Island Developing States - Nexus of Energy, Environment and Economic Growth
Kyoto-U OCW - Unofficial via YouTube
Watch a conference presentation from the 7th International Symposium on Human Survivability where Professor Yuichi Ikeda from Kyoto University's Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies discusses implementing 100% renewable energy micro grids in Small Island Developing States, examining the interconnections between energy systems, environmental impact, and economic development. Delivered at the December 2018 symposium themed "Let's Work Together toward Achieving Sustainable Development Goals" in Kyoto, Japan, learn about sustainable energy solutions for island nations through this 15-minute talk that explores the nexus between clean power infrastructure, ecological preservation, and economic growth.
Kyoto Univ. 7th International Symposium on Human Survivability, 4. Session 1: Prof. Yuichi Ikeda
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Kyoto-U OCW - Unofficial