Watch this conference talk from the Arithmetic Quantum Field Theory Conference where Oxford's Kobi Kremnitzer explores the development of functional analysis over integers through bornological methods, unifying Archimedean and non-Archimedean analysis. Discover how algebras of functions and distributions defined over integers can be base changed to conventional algebras over reals and p-adics, leading to the formulation of L-functions over integers. Learn about an innovative analytic stack over integers whose quasi-coherent sheaves category yields global Hodge structures, and understand the connection between integral L-functions and line bundle trivializations on this stack. Explore a new cohomology theory for schemes valued in global Hodge structures, potentially related to q-deRham, and consider theoretical connections between cohomology determinants and L-functions. The presentation covers collaborative work in progress with Federico Bambozzi and Jack Kelly.
Kobi Kremnitzer | Functional analysis over the integers, L-functions and global Hodge theory
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