Explore the readiness for 5G and edge clouds in this keynote presentation by Rajesh Gadiyar from Intel and Kevin Shatzkamer from Dell EMC. Delve into the progress made in NFV for flexible and scalable network infrastructure, and examine the challenges in preparing for the 5G transition and deployment of 5G-enabled edge services. Gain insights into the work required to fulfill NFV's promise and drive the industry towards cloud-native solutions, addressing the massive data generated by billions of connected devices. Learn about Intel's network transformation journey, the challenges in building cloud-native solutions, and the intersection of network infrastructure technologies, cloud, data analytics, AI, and virtualization platforms. Discover key topics including Intel's 5G contributions, network infrastructure transformation, closed-loop automation, open source initiatives, and digital transformation, concluding with Intel's latest announcements in this field.
Intel 5G Contributions
Network Infrastructure Transformation
Cloud Native Network Functions
Closed Loop Automation
Open Source
Digital Transformation
Intel Announcements
Taught by
Linux Foundation