Watch a 17-minute conference talk from the Symposium on Foundations of Responsible Computing (FORC) 2022 exploring how Bayesian persuasion can be applied to algorithmic recourse in automated decision-making systems. Learn how decision subjects strategically modify their features to improve their chances of favorable outcomes when assessment rules are kept secret, and discover how this creates a game-theoretic scenario. Understand the benefits of providing action recommendations to decision subjects, including how both parties can benefit while decision makers can achieve significantly better outcomes. Follow the development of a polynomial-time approximation scheme for finding near-optimal signaling policies, overcoming the challenges of infinite variable optimization. Examine numerical simulations on semi-synthetic data that demonstrate the practical advantages of implementing persuasion in algorithmic recourse scenarios.
Incentivizing Desirable Actions
Interaction Protocol
Bayesian Persuasion
Optimal Signaling Policy
Equivalence Region
An Efficient Approximation Algorithm
Taught by
Harvard CMSA