Engage in a thought-provoking conversation about J. Robert Oppenheimer featuring Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Kai Bird, author of "American Prometheus," alongside distinguished scholars Peter Galison and Elaine Scarry. Delve into the complex life and legacy of the father of the atomic bomb, exploring the historical context, ethical dilemmas, and lasting impact of Oppenheimer's work. Gain insights from Bird's extensive research and the interdisciplinary perspectives of Galison and Scarry, experts in the history of science, physics, and human values. Examine the intersection of science, politics, and morality during the Manhattan Project and the Cold War era, and consider the relevance of Oppenheimer's story to contemporary debates on nuclear weapons and scientific responsibility.
Oppenheimer: Triumph, Tragedy, and Legacy - A Conversation with Kai Bird
Mahindra Humanities Center via YouTube
Kai Bird on Oppenheimer, in conversation with Peter Galison and Elaine Scarry
Taught by
Mahindra Humanities Center