Explore the intricacies of human-human communication and its implications for human-robot dialogue in this 31-minute lecture by Joyce Chai. Delve into the concept of shared basis in human-robot interactions, examining experimental systems and data collection methods. Learn about referential grounding and its implementation in a NAO robot. Analyze empirical studies on collaborative effort and true common ground, while considering other challenges in grounding. Evaluate the reliability of grounding models and collaborative processes through an empirical evaluation. Examine the interaction flow and natural language dialogue for action learning, gaining valuable insights into the future of human-robot communication.
Human-Human Communication
Shared Basis in Human-Robot Dialogue
Experimental System and Data Collection
Referential Grounding
Implementation in a NAO Robot
Empirical Studies: Collaborative Elfort
True Common Ground
Other Challenges in Grounding
Reliability of Grounding Models
Collaborative Process
An Empirical Evaluation
Interaction Flow
NL Dialogue for Action Learning
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