Explore a comprehensive conference talk detailing the journey towards an intelligent industrial IoT network. Learn how Japanese factories enhanced physical security and employee productivity through open systems, networking, and IoT platforms. Discover the role of edge computing in reducing data transmission from terabytes to kilobytes, and understand how data aggregation and analysis near sensors optimize cloud communication. Gain insights into flow information capture, both current and historical, and examine real-world Industrial IoT use cases. Delve into various operations and maintenance tools supporting proactive policy-based flow analysis for edge computing and fog nodes, enabling end-to-end IT and OT visibility from a network perspective. Investigate general and security challenges in industrial networks, including the myth of air gap security and the importance of defense in depth. Compare data center and factory plant networks, and understand the key role of virtualization in creating intelligent industrial networks. Explore the significance of open-source technologies like OpenFog, Kura, and TCG's open IF MAP server in this evolving landscape.
About Midokura
About this talk
General Challenges
Security Challenges
The air gap has long been a fantasy
Defense in Depth
Zones and Conduits
VLANs alone don't solve the problem
What happened in data center networks
We virtualize the data center network
Differences between DC and Factory Plant networks
What is an intelligent industrial network?
Virtualization, the key ingredient for intelligence
What role for Open Source? OpenFog Kura omapd. open IF MAP server by TCG
Taught by
Linux Foundation