Explore a Stanford University professor's lecture on late-time tails in wave equations on asymptotically flat spacetimes, presented at IPAM's Workshop on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Gravitation. Delve into the strong cosmic censorship conjecture, Price's law, and the differences between stationary and dynamical spacetimes. Gain insights into a general method for studying precise late-time tails in odd spatial dimensions, applicable to both stationary and dynamical cases. Discover how this research, conducted in collaboration with Sung-Jin Oh from Berkeley, contributes to our understanding of gravitation and spacetime behavior.
Two tails
Shortcut and curved black holes
Strong custom extension
Strong cosmic censorship
Theory of tails
Latetime tails
Shortcut case
Nonlinear tails
Dynamical tails
A strong cost of extension
Strong cosmic extension
Late time tails
Taught by
Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM)