Isoperimetric Inequalities in High Dimensional Convex Sets - Lecture 4 Part 1
Institut Henri Poincaré via YouTube
Explore isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets in this lecture by Bo'az Klartag from Université de Poitiers. Part of an Institut Henri Poincaré school series focusing on Bourgain's slicing problem and the Kannan, Lovasz and Simonovits (KLS) isoperimetric conjecture. Delve into advanced mathematical concepts and their applications in high-dimensional geometry over the course of an hour. Gain insights into cutting-edge research in convex geometry and its connections to other areas of mathematics and theoretical computer science.
Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets (Lecture 4 - Part 1)
Taught by
Institut Henri Poincaré