Learn TypeScript fundamentals through 21 interactive screencasts in this comprehensive tutorial. Explore variable types, implicit vs explicit typing, type assertions, arrays, tuples, enums, objects, parameters, return types, custom types, interfaces, barrels, models, intersection types, generics, and access modifiers. Gain hands-on experience with interactive tasks and challenges throughout the course. Set up a local development environment and discover TSLint for code quality. Perfect for beginners looking to build a strong foundation in TypeScript for scalable and reliable JavaScript development.
- Introduction
- Variable Types
- The Frontend Developer Career Path
- Multiple Types
- Implicit vs Explicit Typing
- Checking Types
- Type Assertions
- Arrays
- Tuples
- Enums
- object
- Parameters
- Return Types
- Custom Types
- Interfaces
- Barrels
- Models
- Intersection Types
- Generics
- Access Modifiers
- Local Setup
- TSLint & Great Job!!!
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