This course is designed to introduce the role of infrastructure in economic growth. The broad view of physical as well as social infrastructure will be dealt with in-depth which will be helpful for the students at UG level and also for the M.Tech students in Civil and Engineering, researchers at various infrastructure firms, and Nongovernmental organizations in the social sector.
MOD 1.
MOD 2.
MOD 3.
MOD 4.
MOD 5.
MOD 6.
Mod 7.
Mod 8.
Mod 9.
Mod 10.
Mod 11.
MOD 12.
Mod 13.
MOD 14.
MOD 15.
MOD 16.
MOD 17.
MOD 18.
MOD 19.
Mod 20.
Mod 21.
Mod 22.
Mod 23.
Mod 24.
Lec 26.
Mod 27.
Mod 28.
Mod 29.
Mod 30.
Mod 31.
Lec 32.
Lec 33.
Download Lec 34.
Infrastructure Economics L35.
Infrastructure Economics L36.
Infrastructure Economics L37.
Infrastructure Economics L38.
Taught by
Infrastructure Economics