Implementing New Jersey's Priority Climate Action Plan: Climate Mitigation Funding for Local Governments
Rutgers Climate & Energy Institute via YouTube
Explore New Jersey's Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) and discover funding opportunities for local governments to implement climate mitigation measures. Learn about the 12 priority measures and numerous enabling actions outlined in the PCAP to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. Gain insights into available resources and funding options for local implementation, even though the deadline for the EPA's Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program has passed. Understand the crucial role local governments play in helping New Jersey achieve its climate goals. While primarily focused on local government opportunities, this webinar also covers options for community-based organizations, school districts, and other entities. Co-sponsored by the New Jersey Climate Change Resource Center, this one-hour session provides valuable information for anyone interested in climate action at the local level.
Implementing New Jersey's Priority Climate Action Plan
Taught by
Rutgers Climate & Energy Institute