Explore techniques for creating image datasets with a focus on StyleGAN, StyleGAN2, and StyleGAN2-ada in this 21-minute video tutorial. Learn about ethical image collection practices, sources, and tools for generating images. Discover various resources for finding public domain and Creative Commons licensed images, including museum collections and specialized search engines. Gain insights into ethical web scraping methods and tools like Beautiful Soup. Explore image generation techniques using software like JWildfire and Mandelbulber2. Understand how to use tools such as Autocrop, Katna, and ImageMagick for image processing. Delve into image augmentation techniques and tools like imgaug and Augmentor to enhance your dataset. Cover topics including copyright considerations, manual cropping, and the presenter's personal dataset creation process.
Other data sets
Image Magic
Manual Cropping
Image Augmentation
Image Augmentation Tools
My Dataset
Taught by
Nerdy Rodent