Embark on a 28-minute journey with director/animator Aharon Rabinowitz as he shares his experience creating the animated short film "Metal Heart" using Unreal Engine and After Effects. Learn how Rabinowitz went from being a complete novice to completing a film in just one year after taking a 6-hour course. Discover the motion capture workflow, VFX creation, color grading, motion design, and sound design techniques used in the production. Gain valuable insights through mini-tutorials packed with tips and tricks for both Unreal Engine and After Effects. Explore topics such as using motion capture files, root motion animation, control rig layers, volumetric effects, UI projection, camera movement, motion blur, depth of field, rendering, and more. Get inspired to start your own Unreal Engine journey and learn about opportunities to win over $4,500 in tools and training.
Why Create The Short Film in Unreal?
Using Motion Capture Files in Unreal
Root Motion Animation
Control Rig Layers
Volumetric Effects
Projecting The U.I. onto The Helmet Glass
Camera Movement
Motion Blur
Depth of Field
Color Grading
Music & Sound Design
Taught by
School of Motion