Creating a Bernie Sanders Detector Using YOLOv4 - OpenCV Python - Computer Vision
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Learn how to create a Bernie Sanders detector using YOLOv4 and OpenCV in Python. Explore the process of building, annotating, and augmenting a dataset, then use Google Colab to train YOLOv4 and YOLOv5 models. Discover techniques for implementing the detector on static images and in real-time using a webcam. Follow along to gather data, choose appropriate models, and utilize tools like Roboflow for training and deployment. By the end, gain insights into running the model on Android devices, enabling Bernie Sanders detection even on smartphones.
Why Bernie Sanders Detection
Choosing a Model
Gathering our Dataset
Importing our Dataset
Annotating this Dataset
Data Augmentation to Multiply our Dataset
Scaled YOLOv4 Training Colab
YOLOv5 Training Colab
Roboflow Train
Web App Display Result
Try with Webcam!
Run it on Smartphone
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Augmented Startups