Optimizing Developer Experience with Telepresence for Microservices
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube
Explore how Voiceflow optimized their developer experience using Telepresence in this insightful conference talk. Discover the journey from a monolithic application to a complex microservice architecture with over 40 microservices, multiple databases, and queue engines. Learn about the challenges faced when running the entire application on developers' laptops and the slow, frustrating experience of building and pushing images. Understand why Voiceflow chose the CNCF-hosted sandbox project Telepresence and implemented a 'remocal' (hybrid) development environment. Gain insights into how this solution allows services to run in multi-tenant developer clusters while developing services locally with debugging IDEs and tools. Examine the benefits of a faster feedback loop and more realistic results. Explore the integration of Telepresence commands into Voiceflow's custom VFCLI. Uncover the advantages of implementing a remocal dev environment and how it has accelerated the development and debugging of microservices for Voiceflow's engineering team.
How We Optimized Our Developer Experience with Telepresence - Frank Gu, Voiceflow
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CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]