How to Write a Distributed Key Value Store in Rust Using CURP Protocol
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube
What is CURP protocol
Traditional Consensus Protocol: Raft
CURP-- Consistent Unordered Replication Protocal
CURP Service Definition
CURP ExternalInterface Definition
Key Component - Conflict Checked Channel and Command Workers
How does conflict check channel work?
How does CURP achieve consensus?
The Design of Persistent Storage Layer
The trade-off in storage engine selection
B+ Tree VS LSM Tree
Common pain points in testing distributed systems
Deterministic Simulation
Deterministic Simulator -- madsim
How does madsim simulate determinism?
How does madsim reproduce heisenberg bugs?
How to integrate madsim into your project?
Taught by
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]