Learn essential strategies for successful freelancing in this 32-minute video. Explore key topics including preparation, contracts, client management, time tracking, marketing, and work-life balance. Discover practical tips for starting your freelance journey, from securing your first client to establishing your own company. Access a comprehensive written guide on the speaker's blog for additional reference.
Be prepared
Written contract
Number of clients
First client
Time tracking
Work hours
Your own company
Taught by
Robert Feranec
4.5 rating, based on 6 Class Central reviews
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Thank you ...
It gives me some confidence to do freelancing
I'm from India
Here freelancing have a lot of career
Your course help me understand the basic of freelancing
Once again thank you -
This course is amazing,I learnt a lot of things and it's cleared my all doubts ,I'm very happy and feeling joyful after this course and I recommend it to my friends and family members
This experience was very good.I have learnt alot from this course. The mentor's techniques of teaching were totally outstanding. I will learn more from this about other courses.
Really a complete guide for beginners , one is pretty sorted after this ,in this video theres everything one should before starting his or her freelalancing
It's a very helpful and can help you with starting your career as a freelancer. The topics are very helpful
it give me information about freelancing. it improve my khowledge about freelancer and helpful to me.