How to Create Surreal Collage Art in Photoshop with Magdiel Lopez
Futur Academy via YouTube
- Write review
- Magdiel’s background.
- Magdiel begins making an image.
the big secret to Magdiel’s gradients.
what should you chase.
- is this art or is this design.
- design for the medium.
- art can make prison life easier.
- why Magdiel moved to Texas.
- 3 rules to keep creating***.
- how do you know when this is done.
- the squint eye test.
- the final art piece.
- how much does Magdiel take to start talking.
- How Magdiel got 12k for a 4.5 mill budget**.
- is there a formula for how much you should charge?***.
Taught by
The Futur Academy