Explore the world of self-driving cars and machine learning models that can teach themselves in this 15-minute video from Google Cloud Tech. Dive into the challenges of training ML models with appropriate data sets and discover how Helm.ai is revolutionizing the field. Learn about supervised vs. unsupervised learning, deep teaching, and real-world applications of unsupervised learning. Understand how Helm.ai's software can be applied beyond automotive applications and gain insights into their architecture. Explore future technical enhancements in the field of self-learning ML models. By the end of this video, gain a deeper understanding of the technology powering self-driving cars and the potential of machine learning models that can teach themselves.
- Intro
- Helm.ai overview
- Supervised vs unsupervised learning deep teaching
- Real world example of unsupervised learning
- Can the software be used on more than cars?
- Helm.ai architecture
- Future technical enhancements
- Wrap Up
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Google Cloud Tech