How to Create a Custom GPT - Step-by-Step OpenAI Tutorial
Learn to build and customize your own GPT model in this comprehensive 20-minute video tutorial. Master the fundamentals of Custom GPTs, from basic setup to advanced configurations, through detailed step-by-step instructions. Explore the conversational interface and Configure page while learning to implement essential features like web access and DALLE integration. Discover how to enhance your GPT with external API connections, test its functionality, and fine-tune its performance. Progress through practical demonstrations of profile picture setup, instruction provision, knowledge contribution, few-shot learning, and advanced capabilities. Gain insights into improving OpenAI models and successfully publishing your custom GPT for wider use. Perfect for anyone interested in creating specialized AI tools for customer service, education, or general AI exploration.
Sample custom GPTs
Interface overview
Create using conversation
Set profile picture
Provide instructions
Configure settings
Test AI assistant
Contribute knowledge
Few shot learning
Advanced capabilities
Improve OpenAI models
Wrap up
Taught by
Kevin Stratvert