How Storm Develops as The Wind Blows by Gregory Falkovich
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube
Explore the dynamics of storm formation in this 41-minute lecture by Gregory Falkovich from the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences. Delve into the complex relationship between wind patterns and storm development as part of a comprehensive program on turbulence and field theory. Gain insights into the connections between turbulence, statistical mechanics, and critical phenomena, while examining scaling theories in turbulence and the role of circulation in classical and quantum fluid flows. Investigate the links between quantum gravity, loop gravity, and turbulence, as well as the singularities of fluid equations. Participate in this inclusive and diverse academic environment, designed to foster collaboration and advance understanding of these multifaceted approaches to turbulence research.
How Storm Develops as The Wind Blows by Gregory Falkovich
Taught by
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences