Explore a thought-provoking discussion on the Democratic Party's strategy to reconnect with voters and regain political momentum. Delve into key issues Democrats must address to win back support in midterm elections, strategies to shed the elitist label, and methods to forge stronger connections with Americans amidst rising populism. Join Senator Cory Booker and moderator Amy Walter as they examine the disconnect between the party's message and messenger, analyze voter behavior, and discuss innovative solutions at local and national levels. Gain insights on healthcare reform, bipartisan cooperation, and the power of patriotism and love in politics. Discover how Democrats can overcome challenges and revitalize their approach to resonate with the American public.
The disconnect between Democrats message and the messenger
Where were the voters
The hunger for outrage
Shocking the planet Earth
Where is the solution
Change never comes from Washington
Love patriotism is love
Health care
Mayoral innovation
Working together
Biggest challenge
How do Democrats get their groove back
The power of love
Taught by
The Aspen Institute