Explore the controversial world of 1950s horror comics in this 34-minute video from Cartoonist Kayfabe. Delve into "The Horror! The Horror! Comic Books the Government Didn't Want You to Read" by Jim Trombetta, examining over 200 comic book covers and content that sparked congressional hearings on juvenile delinquency. Discover how these outrageous and disturbing Golden Age horror comics led to book burnings, the Comics Code Authority, and the end of an era. Learn about influential artists like Don Heck, George Tuska, Charles Biro, and Steve Ditko who pushed the boundaries of graphic storytelling. Gain insights into the cultural impact and artistic legacy of this censored genre that ultimately shaped the comic book industry.
Horror, Violence, Gore - Comic Books the Government Didn't Want You to Read - Golden Age Terror
Cartoonist Kayfabe via YouTube
HORROR! VIOLENCE! GORE! Comic Books the Government Didn't Want You to Read! Golden Age Terror
Taught by
Cartoonist Kayfabe