Car Hacking - Practical Guide to Automotive Security
Hack In The Box Security Conference via YouTube
How does a modern car function?
Complexity in a modern car
Your car, is a computer and a network!
Electronics Control Unit (ECU's)
History of Car Hacking
Identifying attack surface
Attack surface on a modern vehicle - Bird's Eye view
Network within the Car
CAN Bus explained
CAN data frame
CAN message Identifier
CAN message structure
How does the CAN message actually look like
Getting on the CAN Bus
Hardware/Software Needed
OBD-II connectors - CAN Hardware
CAN Software
Myth or Fact: Entry barrier for Car/CAN hacking is high
ICSim: Instrument Cluster Simulator
General methodology for CAN hacking
Setting up the ICSim
Fun tip! Dos Your Car!
Taught by
Hack In The Box Security Conference