HIGHS: The team
HIGHS: Solvers
Practical LP problems
Solving primal LP problems: Optimality conditions
Solving dual LP problems: Optimality conditions
Dual simplex algorithm: Choose a row
Dual simplex algorithm: Choose a column
Dual simplex algorithm: Data required
Solving LP problems: Primal or dual simplex?
Simplex method: Computation
Hyper-sparsity: Solve Bx=r for sparser
Hyper-sparsity: Inverse of a sparse matrix
Hyper-sparsity: Solving Lx = b
Hyper-sparsity: Other components
Hyper-sparsity: Effectiveness
Parallel solution of structured LP problems
Parallel solution of stochastic MIP problems
PIPS-S: Exploiting problem structure
PIPS-S: Overview
PIPS-S: Results
Parallel solution of general LP problems via multiple iterations
pani: Effectiveness
HiGHS: Performance
HiGHS: Simplex performance
HiGHS: Interior point performance
HIGHS: MIP performance
Taught by
Fields Institute