Learn how to create a text prompt UI for Stable Diffusion models using the Gradio Python library in this hands-on coding lab. Discover techniques for saving prompts with various styles and images to disk, and retrieving both prompts and saved images. Follow along as the tutorial covers project introduction, codebase overview, implementing an image list dropdown UI, displaying selected saved images, adding JSON for image and prompt storage, retrieving prompts and images from JSON, preventing duplicate images in JSON, and fixing prompt-related bugs. Access the complete source code on GitHub and gain practical experience in building a user-friendly interface for Stable Diffusion models.
- Project Introduction
- What we will cover
- Project Codebase
- Image List into Dropdown UI
- Show selected saved image
- Add JSON for image and prompt
- Prompt + Image from Json
- No Duplication Img in JSON
- Fixing prompt bug
- Project Source Code
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