Dive into the third class of the AVR: Architecture, Assembly & Reverse Engineering series, focusing on advanced assembly language instructions and programming concepts. Explore increment/decrement operations, bit manipulation techniques like shifting and bitwise NOT, and learn about arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction. Gain insights into bitwise operations, jump and branch instructions, and comparison operations. Understand the GCC Application Binary Interface (ABI) and function calling conventions. Apply your knowledge by implementing swap() and max8() functions in assembly language. Conclude with a discussion on the final project, enhancing your skills in AVR microcontroller programming and reverse engineering techniques.
​ Start
​ LSL / LSR shift left/right
​ COM bitwise not
​ SWAP nibbles
​ SBR / CBR set/clear bits
Bitwise Operations: AND/OR/EOR xor
​ JMP & Branches
​ CP Compare
​ Conditional Branch Instructions Summary
​ CPI Compare Immediate / SBRC
​ The GCC Application Binary Interface ABI
​ Function Calling Convention
​ swap in Assembly
​ max8 in Assembly
​ Final Project
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