Dive into a comprehensive crash course on the Go programming language, designed for beginners with no prior Go experience. Set up a workspace and explore fundamental concepts including variables, slices, conditionals, maps, and structs. Learn about Go's unique features through hands-on examples covering workspace setup, Hello World program, variable types, packages, functions, arrays and slices, conditionals, loops, maps, range, pointers, closures, structs, interfaces, and basic web development. Follow along with provided code examples and documentation to gain a solid foundation in Go programming.
Workspace - .
Hello World - .
Variable & Types - .
Packages - .
Functions - .
Arrays / Slices - .
Conditionals - .
Loops - .
Maps - .
Range - .
Pointers - .
Closures - .
Structs - .
Interfaces - .
Web - .
Taught by
Traversy Media