Explore the advanced technique of 2D coherent spectroscopy applied to 1D spin chains with fractionalized excitations in this 48-minute lecture. Delve into the limitations of conventional 1D optical spectroscopy and discover how 2D spectroscopy extends its utility by incorporating additional electromagnetic wave handles. Examine the recent developments in understanding CoNb2O6, previously thought to be described by the transverse field Ising model (TFIM), and learn about its new interpretation using the twisted Kitaev model (TKM) with bond-dependent interactions. Compare the effectiveness of 1D and 2D spectroscopy in distinguishing between TFIM and TKM, focusing on the clear differences revealed in 2D spectra due to spinon interactions. Gain insights into the potential of 2D spectroscopy as a powerful tool for investigating and differentiating between magnetic models in materials with fractionalized excitations.
2D Spectroscopy for 1D Spin Chains with Fractionalized Excitations
PCS Institute for Basic Science via YouTube
Gibaik Sim: 2D Spectroscopy for 1D Spin Chains with Fractionalized Excitations
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PCS Institute for Basic Science