In this course, you will learn about Phoenix and Elixir. You will learn about using Ecto Associations in Phoenix, deploying Elixir Apps To Heroku, Elixir pagination with Scrivener, versioned API in Elixir with Phoenix, parsing markdown in Elixir with Earmark, command line with Escript, SEO friendly URLs with Phoenix, job processing with Exq, Elixir functions, Elixir documentation with ExDoc, and GenServer.
Using Ecto Associations in Phoenix.
Getting Started with Phoenix.
Deploying Elixir Apps To Heroku.
Elixir Pagination with Scrivener.
Versioned API in Elixir with Phoenix.
Parsing Markdown in Elixir with Earmark.
The Command Line with Escript.
SEO Friendly URLs with Phoenix.
Job Processing with Exq.
Intro to Elixir Functions.
Elixir Documentation with ExDoc.
Intro to GenServer.
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Elixir Casts