Welcome and introduction
Understanding OAuth 2.0 grant types
Navigating to the endpoint on the SAP API Business Hub
Thinking about the scope required for the given endpoint
Exploring the documentation that we need to read
Looking at the service plans for the cis service, and what scopes they include
Logging in to the Cloud Foundry environment with the cf CLI
Learning how to find the API endpoint for cf programatically
Exploring the Cloud Foundry marketplace, looking for the cis service & plans
Creating a cis service instance with the central plan
Creating a service key binding from that instance and taking a first look at the data
Looking at the HTTP request and the data that we need to request a token
Writing a small script to prepare for and make the HTTP request for the token
Noting that we need to urlencode the form data
Making the call and successfully obtaining a token
Examining the token and related details that are returned type, expiry info, refresh token, scopes, etc
Getting ready to make the call to the endpoint
Making the call, and realising it was waiting for input on STDIN
Examining the successful output
Thinking about the token's lifetime
Examining the content of the otherwise opaque access token with jwt-cli
Taught by
SAP Developers