Learn how to build a robust, mobile-optimized online store in this comprehensive video course. Discover essential tips for starting, scaling, or creating an eCommerce site for clients across various industries. Master the process of adding products, accepting payments, and implementing effective site navigation, layout, and design strategies. Follow step-by-step instructions to create a secure website that adapts to your growing business needs. Topics covered include product management, collection creation, payment integration, shipping and tax setup, store policy development, and final design and publication of your online store. Access additional resources and explore a full course catalog to further enhance your digital skills in web design, eCommerce, online business management, marketing, and SEO.
Add products to sell
Create collections
Connect payment methods
Set up shipping
Set up taxes
Create store policies
Design and publish your online store
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4.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
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Overall I thought I was a good course, short, simple, and straight to each point. I will definitely use this course and what I've learned to help structure my eCommerce business Thank you!