Poroelastic vs inelastic aquifer response to groundwater fluctuations
Understanding the mechanics of aquifer systems is central to the sustainable exploitation of groundwater resources
Monitoring the health of aquifer systems with geodesy
A multi-technique approach for aquifer monitoring
Long history of inelastic subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley
Characterizing groundwater fluctuations at the seasonal and drought timescales
Mapping the spatially-variable elastic storage properties of the aquifer
Poroelastic deformation due to long-term groundwater decline
Initiation and acceleration of inelastic subsidence starting in 2021
Surface deformation does not recover despite groundwater recharge
Meltwater is ubiquitous on Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets
Supraglacial lakes in Greenland are expanding inland with warming climate
2022-2023 GNSS campaign in Western Greenland
Tracking ice dynamics with on-ice GNSS
Tracking supraglacial lake drainages with GNSS
Understanding displacement signals from supraglacial lake drainage event
Estimating (large-scale) elastic loading deformation with GRACE
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