Genital Gender Affirming Surgery - Masculinizing Surgery with Metoidioplasty
University of California, Los Angeles via YouTube
Explore the intricacies of transgender masculinizing surgery, focusing on the metoidioplasty procedure, in this informative 29-minute lecture by UCLA gender health expert Dr. Gladys Ng. Gain insights into the goals, outcomes, and post-operative care associated with this gender-affirming surgery. Delve into various aspects of the procedure, including surgical options, preferred outcomes, choosing a surgeon, pre-surgery considerations, and a detailed overview of the surgical process. Learn about urethra reconstruction techniques and important post-operative care guidelines. Understand the key considerations for undergoing this type of surgery and benefit from a comprehensive summary of the topic. This educational content aims to provide valuable information for those interested in or considering gender-affirming surgeries, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for the LGBTQ+ community.
Learning Objectives
Surgical Options
Preferred Outcomes
Choosing a Surgeon
Before Surgery Considerations
Overview of Surgery
Schematic of Surgery
Reconstructing the Urethra
Postoperative care
Considerations for surgery
Taught by
UCLA Health